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2017-09-04 - Home Care Package at Yarra Healthy Life

On 04 September 2017, our thorough Home Care Package informational talk reached Yarra Healthy Life Chinese Social Group.

As a way of empowering the Chinese speaking seniors within the Community, the Chinese Nurse Association Australia found that many seniors struggled with communication due to language barriers. Various health care information and help is available for the senior community but they do not know how to access help or do not understand completely the type of help that is available for them.

Seeing this struggle, the Chinese Nurse Association Australia realised that this was a major hindrance in the senior community lives and this lack of knowledge and connection with the community would often lead to social isolation and senior depression. Hence, we decided to create these lecture talks that target suitable topics relevant for the senior community and present them in a mutual Chinese language to allow greater understanding.

Through our experiences, it was also found that many Chinese seniors value living at home but are faced with struggles due to their increasing frailty. As naturally caused with age, they are met with various health conditions and hindrances; they are not as active and mobile as before and their children have their own families and work to take care of.

Therefore, we have introduced our Government Funded Home Care Package talk to allow the senior community to continue living within their own homes with the little bit of additional help to allow them to have some peace of mind.

This talk has reached hundreds of Chinese speaking seniors within the Community and the majority of them have never heard about this program before. They react to the talk with great interest and have often approached our volunteers stating how grateful they are for an organisation like ours.

Through this talk, we hope we can introduce many senior individuals to the Government Funded Home Care Package in order for them to have the assistance and care that they deserve. We hope our talks empower and educate them to allow them to make wise decisions regarding their future and care.

If you know or are part of a senior social group that would like this talk (or other topics) presented at your gathering, please contact us on (03) 8812 2661 or email us at







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