As the body is ageing, many seniors experience ongoing aches and pains in their joints. This leads to difficulty with mobility and sleep. This has led to many individuals becoming socially isolated as they find it difficult to walk and attend social gatherings leading to the increase in the number of depressed and socially isolated seniors.
Chinese Nurse Association Australia has connected with Kew Neighbourhood House to bring our Pain Management topic to their social gathering. During the talk, our professional Registered Nurse delved into details about how to monitor and measure pain, how to use natural and non-natural remedies to reduce pain symptoms.
In addition, we also introduced our Home Care Packages Talk to the Community to inform them that there are options to assist them with living longer and living better within their home.
Thanks to the support of Kew Neighbourhood House for hosting our talks. We hope that we have many more opportunities to connect with various Social Groups again.
For more information, visit our website –
由於身體漸漸老化,許多長輩們多多少少有關節及器官的毛病,這些身體上的不舒服容易影響睡眠品質跟生活,最後導致精神及身體健康狀況都會逐漸下滑。我們澳洲華人護理協會很高興在2017年能與Kew 華人之家進行首次的合作,共同幫助華人長者們了解健康議題,並且為他們的在澳洲的生活盡一份力。
感謝Kew華人之家的支持,我們也誠心期望在2017年下半年度,能與該中心有更多的合作。如果各華人社區中心有關於健康議題講課的需求,也歡迎與澳洲華人護理協會聯繫,我們有一系列的主題可以幫助貴中心的長者們提升他們的生活品質及滿意度,詳細資訊可以參考我們的Community Health Learning Program