The Chinese Lunar New Year is a 15 day festival that welcomes the New Year based on the dates of the Chinese Lunar Calendar.
Box Hill held their annual Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration on February 11th, this event attracted many. This year, Chinese Nurse Association Australia hired our a marquee to promote our services within the Community as well as to encourage many to undergo a free health check (including Blood Sugar Level and Blood Pressure Checks). This proved to be extremely popular with many interested in obtaining more information from our volunteer Registered Nurses.
2017年2月11日, 一场盛大的中国新年庆典在Box Hill 举办, 并吸引了诸多群众前往。今年,澳大利亚华人护士协会与主办社区一起,在活动区搭建了免费健康检查帐篷(检查内容包括查血压和血糖等),该活动成功吸引了大批群众的兴趣,我方的注册护士也不厌其烦地为前往咨询的人提供各种健康咨询服务,并给予他们健康建议。